Unofficial Iron Gwazi POV Animation, Busch Gardens Tampa
Check out our new Iron Gwazi POV, based on Google Maps and photos at the park, the new roller coaster is opening this year at Busch Gardens Tampa.
Iron Gwazi is rumored to open LATE MARCH! Trains have already started testing, moving back and forth on break runs around the station area. The lift mechanism is in place and Busch Gardens is definitely trying to move quickly to get this open as soon as possible! Expect testing to start quicker than usual after track work is complete. "Manufactured by Rocky Mountain Construction, the newest addition at Busch Gardens is a wood and steel hybrid coaster design, featuring a maximum height of more than 200 feet tall." -Busch Gardens.
Iron Gwazi uses some of the wooden structure from the previous Gwazi roller coaster, the track is now steel offering an extremely smooth ride. Coaster enthusiasts have been looking forward to this transformation for quite some time and the buzz around the ride is real!
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