Brown Track Spotted at Harry Potter Coaster for Universal Studios


Construction Update, Harry Potter Coaster, Islands of Adventure.

We have track spotted outside of the old Dueling Dragon's station, which confirms the direction the coaster is taking and gives a hint of what is to come.
This slower section of the track seems like it will go past set pieces and other elements of theming for the ride's storyline. Photo: bioreconstruct twitter.
Orlando Parkstop has made a prediction of the layout below, which shows the tall support being a section of the ride in which you will begin to travel backwards.

The spike support seen here is rumored to be the tallest section of track, and where the vehicle will begin to travel backwards. Photo: orlandoparkstop

Theming work is taking place at the entrance of the new coaster. Photo: orlandoparkstop

This photo shows a layout of what is expected of the new ride. The layout was created by orlandoparkstop, Photo:bioreconstruct.

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