Jurassic World Video Game - from the Planet Coaster Team


Jurassic World Video Game, from the makers of Planet Coaster

What looks like it could be an add-on is a full blown game that looks like a high def version of Planet Coaster.

Based on Universal Pictures’ iconic film franchise and created in collaboration with Universal Brand Development, the game expands on the official Jurassic World mythology and puts players in charge of cinema’s greatest tourist destination – where they will have the opportunity to create and manage their own Jurassic World.

With paths that look just like Planet Coaster and terrains and trees that look better - this is a Park builder that will probably use the same engine with dumbed-down controls so that it is able to be played on Xbox/Playstation.

Will be interesting to see how it comes together, but with the quality of Planet Coaster I'm sure it will be fun. Lets hope they focus on Planet Coaster just as much even with this new project on their plate.

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