Harry Potter's Forbidden Forest Roller Coaster at Universal Studios Florida (IOA) theming work continues.
More keeps getting added onto the Harry Potter coaster at Islands of Adventure. Still no official word on the opening date or a name for the new ride, but with cars on the track and theming work ongoing, some other details have begun to emerge.
Bioreconstruct aerials from Twitter show the immense amount of theming being added around the coaster track:
An overview shows the massive new building that was constructed for the ride, as well as Hagrid's Hut at the top right portion of the image. The large building at the bottom of the image is the previous Dueling Dragons station and queue. Photo by Bioreconstruct |
The track is hidden from view at low angles with faux rock walls and trees. This low angle shot also gives a great perspective to how low the track stays to the ground during the duration of the ride. It seems much of the ride will be hidden from guest view. Photo by Bioreconstruct |
The first section of the ride features a small launch to get trains up to speed before heading into a longer launch just around the corner. Photo by Bioreconstruct |
This next photo from last month reveals how the trains are shaped, and how many cars are expected to be on each of the trains:
Based on how the trains are wrapped, we can clearly see a high side and a low side, which makes us believe the cars being used are similar to these (below) created by Intamin, although we believe both will be in a seated position instead to speed up load times. The cars may also have different height requirements for each:
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