Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Upgrades Projection Screens


Harry Potter projection screens should be clearer than ever.

Experience darker-darks and clearer scenes with the new projectors that have been put on the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride at Islands of Adventure.

The Forbidden Jourey Castle (c)UOR Blog
"The award-winning attraction has been enhanced to feature 4K-HD and state-of-the-art imagery projection. This means the attraction projects higher-quality imagery that is even more realistic and offers superior clarity, and the sharper images will further submerge you into the storyline.

Don’t worry – the attraction’s storyline and set designs haven’t changed – it’s still the unforgettable thrilling adventure you love. But now, as you fly alongside Harry Potter and his friends, the imagery will clearer than ever. The Golden Snitch feels as if it’s right within your reach. Dementors feel like they’re closer than ever. And the Hungarian Horntail flies straight toward you." -UOR Blog

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