Old Orchard Beach to Receive new coaster!
OLD ORCHARD BEACH, Maine — Passengers on the Galaxi roller coaster can hear a distinctive click-click-click-click as the ride’s citrusy green and yellow cars climb 35 feet to a panoramic view of the Palace Playland amusement park and ocean beyond.
The cars make a brief semicircle before plummeting toward the asphalt below — leaving riders’ stomachs behind — then another ascent and drop, followed by several rapid-fire loops of white-knuckle centrifugal force.
So it has been for more than 20 years. But when the park closes for the season after Labor Day, the Galaxi will be retired to make way for a new state-of-the-art coaster, one that includes automated features and was built in Italy from lower-maintenance galvanized steel. -The Boston Globe
One of the most famous clones in the world. |
The new coaster will be twice as tall, and also be a family replacement as it will not invert or go backwards. The price tag is listed at 4 million. It's always nice to see a new coaster pop up on a pier!
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